Get Started: ALICE physics

PHYSICS PART (version 1.1)

1) ALICE experiment and its physics programs


When coming to CERN in order to work in the Alice experiment you are expected to know its physics scope ane programme.

There is a lot of documentation on this topic, the basic information can be found in the Technical Design Reports

It would be also useful to get familiar with the ever increasing list of Alice publications, which can be consulted at this list. The drafts of the future publications and the internal discussion on them can be found on the special collaboration page.

Note that in order to access it you will need to give your login in the form "cern\NICElogin" followed by your Nice password. More technical Alice notes and documentation can be searched and consulted via the EDMS pages

2) How to find what are ongoing activities


There is a lot of ongoing activities related to the different stages of the data analysis.They are mainly concentrated in the 8 Physics Working Groups. In addition there is a lot of less formal (sub)groups created for solving more specific problems or aimed at the preparation of the specific future publications. The main information exchange on the progress in different fields of activity is done via the meetings which can be assisted also remotely via the electronic conferencing tool Vidyo.

Past meetings presentations can be viewed via INDICO system. A lot of material on the ongoing analysis and results can be found on the Twiki pages maintained by all the PWGs and the specific Alice subsystems