PhD Student Position in Particle Physics at Ruhr University of Bochum (LHCb Group)

Submitted by alicesec on

The LHCb group at Ruhr University of Bochum, specializing in strong interaction, is inviting applications for a PhD position in particle physics. The selected candidate will delve into the spectroscopy of hadrons, study exotic states, and engage in physics analysis with LHCb data.  Additionally, there's an opportunity to contribute to the development of read-out electronics for the SciFi detector upgrade and to collaborate closely with the Joint Physics Analysis Center on theory projects. The position, funded by NRW FAIR/BMBF, offers a regular working contract with a remuneration set at 66% of the TV-L13 pay grade. Applicants should possess a Master's degree in particle physics, proficiency in programming, and

and have a keen interest in grasping intricate physics concepts and tackling complex puzzles.

The role, spanning 3-4 years, commences before January 2024 and is based at the Ruhr University campus. Collaborative opportunities include trips to CERN, interactions with LHCb groups worldwide, and a strong connection with theory collaborations. The application package contain a CV, motivation letter, and a reference letter.

Application deadline is September 15th.

Female students and students with non-traditional physics backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply.

For more details, visit this link

Contact: Mikhail Mikhasenko (