Juniors Day

The Juniors Day

  • What is it:  It's a day dedicated to the Juniors of our collaboration, in which we can mix physics talks with informal get togethers. It is a great opportunity for  junior members working in ALICE to meet and discuss their current research, exchange ideas and gain more experience on giving public lectures and presenting their results. A "senior" expert is invited on each Juniors' day to give a talk about different general issues, analysis or detectors. A social event is usually planned at the end of the day.
  • What you gain by attending and contributing:
    • You have an opportunity to give and listen to more “didactic” talks: during the Physics Working Group meetings one is only reporting/focusing on the analysis assuming that everybody in the audience knows what you are talking about.
    • You can get visibility: there are young members of the collaboration who don’t participate very often in PWG meetings and hence are not very visible. This is the case with students who come from distant places (given the diversity of the collaboration) or if their analysis is not close to a final conclusion.
    • You can familiarize yourself with giving talks.
    • You can meet more people and get to better know your colleagues.
  • Who can give talks: any Junior! Talks given during that day do not have to contain final (i.e. published) or even official "ALICE Preliminary" physics result since this is an internal ALICE meeting. We are also looking for contributions from those who are working in calibrating and operating the various detectors.
  • Where do you find the meeting dates and agendas: over the last two years the Juniors’ day has been part of every ALICE week and can be found at the following URL: https://indico.cern.ch/categoryDisplay.py?categId=3203

The next Junior's day is in the upcoming ALICE Week.

We are looking for speakers!
Send us an email (alice-juniors-committee@cern.ch) and get your chance to be on the agenda!