Technical Board


The ALICE Technical Board (TB) is the principal steering group in all matters requiring technical coordination or decisions. All matters determined to have a significant impact on the performance or resources of ALICE shall be referred to the Management Board.


The TB meets monthly and is chaired by the Technical Coordinator (TC) and his deputy. It is composed of the Project Leaders (PLs), Subproject Leaders (SPLs) and other Coordinators defined by the MB or the TB. In the spirit of the mandate of the TC, the PLs and SPLs work together and report to the TC on all issues covered by the mandate of the TC. The TC may set up, in consultation with the TB and on an ad-hoc basis, special working groups or task forces to address specific technical issues or advise on certain technical solutions.


The TB is authorised to take technical decisions, which the TB deems not to have a significant impact on performance or cost of the ALICE Detector. More important technical decisions are prepared in the form of a proposal by the TB for discussion at and action by the MB.


Technical Board

Werner Riegler
(Geneva, Switzerland)

Arturo Tauro
(Geneva, Switzerland)

Technical Board Members

Project Leaders (PLs) and Subproject Leaders (SPLs)



Ex officio: