In order to ensure the full success of ALICE operation and data taking during LHC Runs 3 and 4, a list of tasks identified as service work is established and maintained, which concerns detector maintenance, operation, calibration, quality control, data processing and outreach, as well as coordination and managerial roles in ALICE.
The allocation key is the number of M&O-A members in a team or cluster. Practically, an M&O-A member is a person signing ALICE publications who is not a doctoral student, e.g. postdocs, scientific staff and highly skilled engineers. Doctoral students have a personal obligation of providing 6 months of service work throughout their thesis. Service work of doctoral students is credited to their team or cluster.
Please send us your comments/criticism/feedback to
- The glance-based service work system provides access to all service work tasks and their assignments at:
- For the year 2025:
- Service work tasks for 2025 is in the link here.
- Planning for the Service Work Tasks in 2025 is in the link here.
- Analysis Coordination: David Dobrigkeit Chinellato (Vienna, Austria)
Data Preparation Group, Project Leaders:
- Alberto Caliva (Salerno, Italy)
- Catalin-Lucian Ristea (Bucharest, Romania)
Service Work Board
Massimo Masera |
Members of the service work board
Ex-officio members