

ALICE Run Manager (18 - 31 March 2024): Krystian Roslon .. Read more ...
ALICE Run Manager (4 - 17 March 2024): Adam Matyja .. Read more ...
ALICE Run Manager (19 February - 2 March 2024): Stefano Panebianco .. Read more ...
Calendar of the ALICE Collaboration for the year 2024: Read more
QGP with the highest temperature achieved by ALICE: Read more
First long heavy-ion data taking of Run 3: Read more
Run Manager (16 - 30 Oct 2023):  Michal Broz .. Read more ...
Run Manager (2-15 Oct 2023):  Siliva Pisano .. Read more ...
Run Manager (18 Sep - 1 Oct 2023):  Cristian Andrei.. Read more ...
Run Manager (4 - 17 Sep 2023):  Bharati Naik.. Read more ...
Run Manager (21 Aug - 3 Sep 2023): Nicolo Valle.. Read more ...
Run Manager (7 - 20 Aug 2023): Daiki Sekihata .. Read more ...
Run Manager (24 Jul - 6 Aug 2023): Michal Broz .. Read more ...
Run Manager (10 - 23 July 2023): Ernesto Calvo Villar .. Read more ...
Run Manager (26 June - 9 July 2023): Luca Quaglia .. Read more ...
Run Manager (13 - 25 June 2023): Jetnipit Kaewjai .. Read more ...
Run Manager (30 May - 12 June 2023): Deepa Thomas .. Read more ...
Run Manager (15-30 May 2023): Silvia Pisano .. Read more ...
Run Manager (1-14 May 2023): Livia Terlizzi .. Read more ...
The Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) is fully commissioned for data taking in Run 3. Read more ...
The ALICE collaboration submitted a letter of intent for ALICE 3 - the next-generation heavy-ion experiment for LHC Run 5 and 6 (from the year 2035 onwards).