Welcome to the ALICE Collaboration - General Information

ALICE Secretariat: 

  • Nathalie Gouriou

  • Julia Cachet

  • Pooja Nethikar

Office: 301/R-029

Email: alice.secretariat@cern.ch
Phone: +41 22 766 2525
Webpage: alice-secretariat


Useful links:

Mailing lists and e-groups:

All mailing list in ALICE are managed by e-groups system at CERN: documentation can be found here

  • Link to the e-groups can be queried to get a list of ALICE e-groups. You can sign-up to a list by contacting the e-group owner. 
  • To create a new mailing list, please contact ALICE Secretariat.

ALICE Organization

The management of ALICE is carried out by a number of Boards and Committees, which are structured in different levels with differing scope, decision-making authority, and responsibilities, as specified in the ALICE Constitution. Each of these management bodies may take specific actions or make decisions to discharge their responsibilities as indicated in the Constitution. 

  • The Collaboration Board (CB) is the policy and decision making body of the ALICE Collaboration. 
  • The Management Board (MB) is responsible for the management of the ALICE Experiment in all matters of a scientific, technical, organizational, operational and financial nature.
  • The Technical Board (TB) is the principal steering group in all matters requiring technical coordination or decisions. 
  • The Resource Board is responsible for all matters related to the costs and resources of the Collaboration, evaluation of in-kind contributions, relations with Funding Agencies, contracting policy, and all administrative matters.
  • The Physics Board (PB) in cooperation and consultation with the Editorial Board and Conference Committee, coordinates and oversees all ALICE physics-related activities, including the physics aspects in the development of publications, notes, and oral presentations.
  • Software, Physics Data Processing and Computing (SDC) Coordination is responsible for the overall management of the activities related to the software development, the computing and the processing of physics data. It acts in close collaboration with the O2(PDP), and includes the activities of Data Preparation Group, Data Analysis Coordination, and Grid Coordination. 
  • The Computing Resource Board is responsible for the oversight of the computing resources of the experiment. 
  • Upgrade Coordination is responsible for overseeing and evaluating all upgrade proposals and smooth integration of those to ALICE.
  • Run Coordination is responsible for data taking activities at Point-2.
  • Trigger Coordination is in charge of the preparation and operation of the ALICE Trigger Systems (central trigger system and trigger detectors). 
  • Service work coordination oversees the service work tasks and assignments.
  • The Editorial Board (EB) is responsible for the oversight and management of the publication process for all ALICE publications, conference proceedings, and internal and public technical notes.
  • The Conference Committee coordinates all aspects of ALICE Conference presentations, with the goal of equitable distribution of talks across the collaboration, effective quality assurance, and efficient procedures.

ALICE  Projects

ALICE experimental setup consists of several detector systems and systems for data taking as well as data analysis. These are managed by individual projects. A list of all ongoing and approved projects along with their functions are given in the ALICE Projects link.

ALICE Calendar

ALICE regularly organises "ALICE weeks", "Mini-weeks", and "Physics weeks".

  • ALICE weeks are composed of Plenary sessions on status of various groups within ALICE, topical talks, events organized by Juniors, and boards meetings.

  • Mini-weeks include physics and technical forums, boards meetings, and group meetings.

  • Physics weeks tend to involve more in-depth discussion on individual physics topics.

ALICE events calendar is in the link here.

The ALICE yearly calendar can be found here: .



ALICE at LHC Point 2

During the regular operation of the LHC, data-taking is supervised by the Run Coordination. Data taking period , shift assignments, and other details of the run coordination can be found at these links:


ALICE Service Work

In order to ensure the full success of ALICE operation and data taking during LHC Runs 3 and 4, a list of tasks identified as service work is established and maintained, which concerns detector maintenance, operation, calibration, quality control, data processing and outreach, as well as coordination and managerial roles in ALICE.

The allocation key is the number of M&O-A members in a team or cluster. Practically, an M&O-A member is a person signing ALICE publications who is not a doctoral student, e.g. postdocs, scientific staff and highly skilled engineers. Doctoral students have a personal obligation of providing 6 months of service work throughout their thesis. Service work of doctoral students is credited to their team or cluster.

More details are in the ALICE Service work link.


ALICE Physics

The Physics Group is organised in various subgroups:

  • Physics Working Groups /PWGs) specialises and focuses on all areas of the ALICE physics program.
  • The PWGs are further divided into smaller, even more specialised groups called Physics Analysis Groups (PAGs).
The descriptions of the constitution of the Physics Board including those of PWG and PAG are given in the ALICE Physics Board link.

Data Analysis Resources

Data analysis is conducted using ROOT and the ALICE software AliRoot and AliPhysics. Details are given here:

Data Preparation Group (DPG)

DPG takes care of basic processing and quality assurance of the data and Monte Carlo productions.

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is responsible for refereeing and subsequent approval of relevant publications concerning both physics and technical papers including contributions to proceedings, and internal notes.

More information can be found here.

Conferences committee

Conferences committee coordinates all aspects of conference presentations, selecting conference speakers.

More information about workshops, conferences and how to participate can be found here.

ALICE Juniors

If you are a bachelor's, master's or PhD student, a person whose PhD was awarded within the last 5 years, or a person whose university degree was awarded within the last 8 years, you are considered a "Junior". The junior's group hosts activities, provides resources, and has a voice in the Collaboration Board and Management Board through the Junior Representatives.

More information can be found here.


Diversity and Inclusivity in ALICE

The ALICE Collaboration embraces and values the diversity of its team members and colleagues. We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment for all people regardless of their nationality/culture, profession, age/generation, family situation and gender, as well as individual differences such as but not limited to ethnic origin, sexual orientation, belief, disability, or opinions provided that they are consistent with the Organization’s values.

More information is in the Diversity Office Link.