Near side jet yield from two particle identified triggered correlation in PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV ALICE

Thakur, Sanchari
Homi Bhabha National Institute

This thesis aims to understand the particle production mechanism at intermediate transverse momentum range through the study of two-particle correlation in Pb-Pb collisions. The topics covered in this thesis are as follows, 1. The mechanism of particle production at intermediate pT (2-4 GeV/c) has been investigated via two-particle correlation. The range became extremely important after the discovery of the baryon-meson anomaly at RHIC and at LHC. Among other mechanisms, production by recombination of partons was found to be an important process, which explains the observed NCQ scaling quite well. The scaling however is somewhat less prominent at LHC energy and it has become a matter of intense investigation about the possible mechanisms, candidates are radial flow, recombination, energy loss among others. ALICE data in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV have been analyzed to find the correlated yield between proton and pion as trigger and charged associated particles. Particle identification has been done using Time Projection Chamber (TPC) and Time-Of-Flight (TOF) detectors. The fully corrected correlation yield has been obtained and compared with models calculations. 2. A phenomenological study has been performed on the multiplicity densities and pseudo-rapidity distributions in pp, pA and AA collisions using different parameterizations. A universal fitting function has been used to find total charged particle multiplicities for all systems. Scaling violation has been observed at LHC energies. The particle production at LHC energy does not follow the scaling which is in sharp contrast to that observed in RHIC. 3. A phenomenological study has been performed on the correlation between the flow coefficients and the initial eccentricities in PbPb collisions using the model MUSIC that implements the hydrodynamical response of the medium. The pT dependence of these correlations has been studied for different charged particles. The sensitivity of correlation coefficient to the viscosity of the medium has also been checked.

Chattopadhyay, Subhasis (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre) ()
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