Electrons from Charm and Beauty Quarks in Proton-Proton Collisions with ALICE at the LHC and Study of Collective Flow in Low Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
In this thesis, an attempt is made to explore the properties of the medium that can be formed in low as well as high energy nuclear collisions. In the context of high energy collisions, the measurements of electrons from charm and beauty quarks in proton-proton collisions are performed using the data provided by ALICE experiment where the matter with very high temperature and almost zero baryonic chemical potential is believed to be produced. For these measurements, different analysis techniques are adopted and the results are compared with the theoretical predictions which show consistency. In the view of ongoing ALICE detector upgrade, the improved primary vertex and impact parameter resolution, together with the improved luminosity of the LHC accelerator complex, will provide a chance to perform the precision measurements. Moreover, the new measurements of the species such as $\Lambda_{b}$ baryon and $B$ meson would be possible. In the later part, the focus is shifted to the other end of the QCD phase diagram, i.e. to study the matter produced in moderate temperature and high net baryon density regime. The mass-dependent hierarchy in the kinetic freeze-out parameters of light hadrons, heavy strange hadrons and charmonia produced in central low energy nuclear collisions are examined in the framework of the non-boost-invariant blast-wave model. Similar hierarchy in the speed of sound of light hadrons and heavy strange hadrons is observed when their rapidity spectra are studied using the non-conformal solution of the Landau hydrodynamical model. For the upcoming experiments at FAIR and NICA accelerator facilities, these measurements would be useful for a better understanding of the freeze-out conditions. Moreover, a simulation study of different anisotropic flow coefficients of charged hadrons in non-central nuclear collision at FAIR energies is performed using the UrQMD model which will also be very crucial once the data from experiments at FAIR and NICA will be available.