Access to the P2 site
Getting access to the ALICE RunControl Center (ARC)
The Alice RunControl is locked with an electronic lock. Your CERN access card should be enabled to open the ARC by sending an access request using ADAMS:
- the end of activity date
- latest the end of contract date marked in ADAMS
- max. 2 years after start date of access request.
Make sure you have the following access permissions BEFORE you come to CERN (Persons registered as PART cannot request access, they need to wait to become User)
Permission to enter the ALICE Run Control Center (ARC)
2285/R-207 (ALI-ACR) (*)
(*) note in ADaMS n¥and EDH the ARC is referred to as ACR. (*)
In addition, permission to access to the rest area at P2
2285/R-C19 (ALI-COF)
will be very useful because eating and drinking is strictly forbidden inside the control room. If you do not have access to the EDH system please ask the Alice secretariat for help.
2285K1-005 Access to SLiMoS keys
This needs the completed e-Learning: ALICE - Shift Leader in Matters of Safety (SLiMoS) at before doing the ADaMS access request!open?moduleCode=COURALISLI - This is mandatory to book central shifts.
Minimum access and safety training requirements for ALICE shifters:
- Access to P2 and all surface bldgs. with card reader doors needs the CERNPRIV
- To perform ALICE onsite shifts, access to ALICE Run Control Center (ALI-ACR) and ALICE Coffee Room (ALI-COF) is required.
- This needs a valid eLearning ( Safety at CERN plus the validated access requestfrom ADAMS
- Every central onsite and remote shifter shall be able to take the SLIMOS role, which requires valid eLearning course (ALICE - Shift Leader in Matters of Safety (SLiMoS) at
/lms-middleware/secure/module/ ) and validated access request for 2285K1-005 (access to SLIMOS keys in the ARC TRAKA cabinet). When the LEXGLIMOS has validated your request the SLIMOS permission is set automatically in SAMS and you can book - Access requests via ADaMS can only be done when one is properly registered as USER (or STAFF etc.).
- In case a person passed SLIMOS course and cannot make the request ("You may not create requests for this person on this permission. Access denied by Page security check"), one should send a mail to to have the permission manually added into SAMS (allowing the booking of shifts).
For person who will have to work also in the ALICE underground areas (cavern and CRs) the following additional access rights, safety courses and PPEs are required:
To work in ALICE underground cavern UX25 requires:
- Valid eLearnings (all can be done @ :
- Safety at CERN
- Radiation Protection - Awareness
- Radiation Protection - Supervised Area
- CERN - Beam Facilities
- CERN - LHC Large Experiments
- ALICE - Surface and Underground Areas
- A validated ADAMS access request for ALI UX
Please do and send the access request for ALI UX only after you have completed the required eLearnings successfully! - PPEs (*): Helmet, Safety Shoes and Personal Dosimeter (**)
- An IMPACT “In Progress” with You declared as participant
(*) PPE = Personal Protection Equipment
(**) Personal Dosimeter is required all times in UX25 cavern. Personal Dosimeter is required to access CRs only during LHC beam operation and technical stops (TS) it is not required during LS2
To work in L3/ITS/FASS confined spaces or to perform the role of a watcher requires:
- Classroom course: Self-Rescue Mask (code: STSRM01IE)
For signing-up see: HSE Safety Training Website - Classroom course: ALICE - Confined Space (code: STCOS02IE)
For signing-up see: HSE Safety Training Website
- If you have to work at height, Classroom course:
Working at Heights - Using a Harness (course code: STHEI01IE) - PPEs: Helmet, Safety Shoes and Personal Dosimeter, Self-respiration apparatus (*), Harness (**)
(*) Self-respiration apparatus SRM pool available at P2 for ALICE Users
(**) Personal harness required only if working work at heigh
To work in the ALICE P2 CRs requires:
- Valid eLearning (
/lms-middleware/secure/module/ ): Safety at CERNopen?moduleCode=STCRS01I - validated EDH access request: ALI-CRX (X=1..5)
- PPEs: Helmet, Safety Shoes and Personal Dosimeter (*)
- An IMPACT “In Progress” with you declared as participant
(An eLearning on IMPACT Fundamentals is provided at:
(*) PPE = Personal Protection Equipment, Wearing a Personal Dosimeter is mandatory during LHC beam operation
To work in the ALICE,P2 clean room requires:
- Valid eLearning ( CERN Safety Introduction
- validated EDH access request: ALI-CLR: Clean Room 2252/R-E21
To perform the role of a ALICE underground guide requires:
- Classroom course: ALICE - Underground – Guide (code: STGUI02IE)
For signing-up see: HSE Safety Training Website - In addition to ALI_UX the EDH access rights:
ALI UX-GUI and 2285K1-006, which are both set by the GLIMOS once the person has passed the required Classroom course. - An IMPACT “In Progress” with You declared as Guide to take out the visitor tokens.