ALICE Run Manager (7 - 20  Aug  2023): Daiki Sekihata


Daiki Sekihata is a postdoc from the University of Tokyo and a specialist in electromagnetic probes. In 2015 he was deputy System Run Coordinator of the PHOS detector when ALICE took the first Pb-Pb data at 5.02 TeV in Run2. During Long Shutdown 2, he was involved in the upgrade of the TPC, in particular in the installation and pre-commissioning of the GEM detectors in the clean room at Point 2. He also took two Run Manager mandates during the Run 2 and Run 3 pp data taking, first in the summer of 2016 and then in September 2022. Daiki is actively involved in physics data analysis. He was the coordinator of the low-mass dielectron PAG from July 2020 to February 2023 and will start a new term as PWG-EM convener from October 2023.

During his mandate, Daiki will have the difficult task of continuing preparation for Pb-Pb data taking during the recovery from the IT.L8 incident. He will follow up on the weekly software upgrades to integrate the latest components and ensure the stability of the system. He will coordinate detector improvements and accesses in parallel to global commissioning with COSMICS, TECHNICAL, and SYNTHETIC runs. 


More details are on the ALICE Run Coordination website.