ALICE Run Manager (30 May - 12 June 2023): Deepa Thomas
Deepa is a Research Associate at the University of Texas at Austin and a specialist in heavy-flavor (HF) and correlations in heavy-ion collisions. In 2014 she received the ALICE thesis award for her thesis (at Utrecht University) on “Jet-like heavy-flavour particle correlations in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions in ALICE”. She was the PAG coordinator of electrons from HF decays from 2017 to 2022 and the PAG coordinator of HF decay leptons in 2022. Since last year she is the coordinator of the HF correlation PAG. Since she joined ALICE, she is involved in operations at P2, taking ECS and SL roles in RUN 2 and ECS during heavy-ion runs. She was a Run Manager in 2018.
During her mandate, Deepa will continue production for physics consolidating ALICE efficiency. She will coordinate high-rate tests up to 4 MHz interaction rate to continue detector conditioning and preparation for LHC heavy-ion collisions.
More details are on the ALICE Run Coordination website.