ALICE Run Manager (26 June - 9 July 2023): Luca Quaglia

Luca is a post-doc in the Torino group. He is a specialist in the MID gas system and he defended his thesis in April 2023 on the development of eco-friendly gas mixtures for Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC). He is the ALICE representative for EcoGas@GIF++ collaboration. He also ensured a service task regarding Checks and developments of the ZDC code in O2 for Run 3 simulations and participated in the development of ZDC online calibration. For what concerns operation, Luca is On-call for MID and ZDC, as well as DCS shifter and Shift Leader, completing many shift duties already in RUN3. He is an experienced Run Manager as he ensured a mandate in 2022. Luca is also one of the ALICE Junior representatives since November 2022 and therefore a member of the collaboration board. 

During his mandate, Luca will focus on preparation for Heavy Ion with several critical data taking. First, he will coordinate ALICE data taking the ATLAS/CMS VdM which is critical for ZDC commissioning. It will be followed by an interaction rate scan with a short machine ramp-up from 3b to 2400b. By the end of his first week, the focus will be on low B-field data taking with both polarities. During the second week, as soon as the machine will reach 2400b, he will coordinate an interaction rate scan from 10 kHz to 1.5 MHz with -/- magnet polarity.    


More details are on the ALICE Run Coordination website.