ALICE Run Manager (16 - 30 Oct 2023): Michal Broz
Michal Broz is a Physicist from CTU, Prague, and a specialist in ultraperipheral collisions and diffraction. He was convener of the UD PAG for Ultra peripheral collisions from 2016 to 2021 and convener of the PWG-UD from 2019 to 2021. During this period he was a member of the Physics board. In 2020 and 2021, during the critical phase of integration of detectors and final commissioning in preparation for Run 3, he was FDD System Run Coordinator. Michal has a long-standing implication in operation at Point 2 as he holds the record of taking the maximum number of Shift Leader shifts in ALICE since SAMS is in place to collect the statistics. Since the beginning of Run 2, he has ensured two Run Manager mandates every year, including the critical Heavy Ion data taking. He was RM this year in August during which he coordinated the integration and commissioning of the last components in preparation for Heavy Ion data taking.
The next two weeks are the last weeks of operation this year, during which (after the Heavy ion set-up and commissioning) we expect the best performance possible for the lead beam in 2023. During his mandate, Michal will have the difficult task to maximise the data-taking efficiency in view of collecting the largest possible Pb-Pb sample at 5.36 TeV in 2023, with good data quality.
More details are on the ALICE Run Coordination website.