ALICE Run Manager (2 - 15 October 2023):  Silvia Pisano

Silvia Pisano is a Physicist from Frascati. She worked in the field of hadronic physics at Jefferson Lab, and, in 2016, joined the ALICE Collaboration. Presently, she is the Coordinator of the Nuclear Physics group at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (INFN).

For the ALICE operations, she took DCS and DQM shifts in Run 2 while, in Run 3, she took part in the data taking as Shift Leader and Run Manager (RM). Additionally, Silvia is our Training coordinator. She trains our shifters in coordination with system run coordinators (SRCs). She also trains and mentors the shift leaders and Run Managers. It is the second RM mandate for Silvia this year who already managed the ALICE data taking during the restart of 2023. 

During her mandate, Silvia will be in charge of a critical phase of the experiment with the ion interaction rate ramp-up, with 23 kHz hadronic interaction rate expected on Monday 2 October for the first time. During this critical phase, the objective is to pinpoint as fast as possible new issues arising from these unprecedented Heavy Ion data taking conditions, and to coordinate their resolution in view of stabilizing the system. She will also coordinate the ALICE beam background studies in cooperation with the LHC and CCC operators.


More details are on the ALICE Run Coordination website.