Luca is a post-doc in the Torino ALICE group. He is a specialist in the MID gas system and a member of the PWG-DQ. He defended his thesis in April 2023 on the development of eco-friendly gas mixtures for Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC), and he is currently the ALICE representative for EcoGas@GIF++ collaboration. Moreover, he is in charge of a service work task to extract the MID efficiencies and store the results in the CCDB, to improve the accuracy of the Monte Carlo simulations. Luca was also one of the ALICE Junior representatives between March 2022 and June 2024, and therefore a member of the collaboration board. Luca is a recipient of this year's ALICE thesis award.
For what concerns operations at Point 2, Luca is a very experienced Shift Leader and Run Manager, having already covered many shifts and Run Manager blocks in Run 3. He already took one Run Manager mandate in June, and now he is back to kick-start the heavy-ion period this year!
Luca will have the challenging and exciting task of coordinating both the proton-proton reference data taking and the start of the Pb-Pb run! In the first week, he will supervise the pp reference data taking, for which we have a very challenging target of recorded luminosity to be collected in the scheduled days. Then, after a couple of days of machine setup, he will coordinate the beginning of the Pb-Pb run, from the intensity ramp-up to the first collisions with the full machine!
More information: Run Coordination