Michal Broz is a Physicist from CTU, Prague, and a specialist in ultra-peripheral collisions and diffraction. He was convener of the UD PAG for ultra-peripheral collisions from 2016 to 2021, and later convener of the PWG-UD from 2019 to 2021 as well as member of the Physics Board. Michal has also a lot of experience in detector operation. In particular, he was FDD System Run Coordinator from 2020 to 2021, during the critical phase of integration of detectors and final commissioning in preparation for Run 3. Michal has a long-standing implication in operations at Point 2, with a record-breaking number of Shift Leader shifts and two Run Manager mandates ensured every year since the beginning of Run 2, including during the critical Heavy Ion data-taking periods.
During his mandate, Michal will coordinate the last preparations in view the Heavy Ion run, and will supervise the first measurements of the Pb-Pb beam background during commissioning fills.
More information: Run Coordination