Silvia is a Physicist from Frascati. She worked in the field of hadronic physics at Jefferson Lab, and, in 2016, joined the ALICE Collaboration. Presently, she is the Coordinator of the Nuclear Physics group at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (INFN). She has a long experience in data-taking operations, having taken DCS and DQM shifts in Run 2, and several Shift Leader and Run Manager mandates in Run 3. Silvia is also our Training Coordinator, working in close collaboration with the various central System Run Coordinators (SRCs) for the training of our shifters. She is also training and mentoring the Shift Leaders and Run Managers.
Silvia already covered a one-week RM mandate earlier this year, and she is now coming back for a second two-week period. She will coordinate the last two weeks of pp physics data taking and the final preparations for the Heavy Ion run.
More information: Run Coordination