

Cristian is a physicist from Bucharest NIPNE. He is a specialist in pion, kaon, and proton production in high multiplicity pp events, studying the dependency of their production as a function of charged particle multiplicity and event shape. He is an active member of the PWG-LF and has made significant contributions to several analyses. Moreover, he has been a member of several paper review committees (ARC, IRC). Cristian has substantial experience in data taking and ALICE operation at P2. Since 2016, he has taken up all central shifter positions: ECS, DCS, QC, and SL. Building upon this experience, he ensured a first Run Manager mandate in 2018 and a second one in 2023, when he faced the tough challenge of starting the first Heavy Ion data taking of RUN 3.

This year, Cristian will coordinate two weeks of pp physics production, where ALICE will keep working to further improve the data-taking efficiency and the online tools in preparation for the reference run in October.


More information: Run Coordination

