Run Manager


ALICE Run Manager (1-14 April 2024): Maciej Marek CZARNYNOGA

Maciej is an engineer from WUT in Poland. He is a junior member of the collaboration. Maciej joined the ALICE collaboration in August of 2022 to work on the FIT detector for which he developed the DCS system and is an expert in the FIT detector technical maintenance. Since he joined the FIT project, Maciej is not only involved in operations with FIT On-calls, he quickly committed to the central DCS shift and Shift Leader shift and developed a solid experience of central operations during the past two years.
In the very first hours of his mandate, Maciej will coordinate the data-taking with collisions at 450 GeV. He will then supervise the upgrade and validation of the control systems software with SYNTHETIC and REPLAY runs, and the orchestration of the ALICE operations together with the ongoing LHC commissioning. During the second week of his mandate, he will likely have the challenging task of supervising the first collisions at 6.8 TeV and the beginning of the LHC intensity ramp-up. During this phase, Maciej will coordinate the data taking of several special runs, for detector calibration and alignment.