ALICE Run Manager (13-26 May 2024): Minjung Kim

Minjung is a Postdoc at Berkeley National Laboratory. She is most active in physics data analysis, specializing in the J/Psi analysis and Ultra Peripheral Collisions (UPC). During her Master's thesis, she participated in the ITS2 mass production campaign, while during her PhD at Heidelberg University, she joined the TRD project. In particular, during Long Shutdown 2 she was involved in the repair and re-commissioning work of the TRD. Afterward, she kept an active involvement in the project as one of the TRD experts, especially taking responsibility for the TRD high-voltage, and covering several TRD on-call shifts. She is also a very experienced shift leader.
During the first week Minjung will coordinate the preparation and data taking for the proton-proton Van der Meer scans at top energy, during which ALICE will also collect low-rate proton-proton collisions with the ZDC. In the second week, Minjung will supervise the proton-proton physics data production at 500 kHz.