The ALICE LHC Interface (LHC_IF) project provides the online data exchange between the LHC and the experiment. It subscribes to the published beam parameters, monitors the quality of collisions in ALICE and provides feedback to LHC publishing a set of variables and parameters useful for the machine operation and collision optimization at IP2.  To achieve this it integrates some beam instrumentation such as Beam Condition Monitor (BCM), Beam Loss Scintillators (BLS) and ALICE detectors. Via the BCM the LHC_IF can dump the beams or inhibit the injection via dedicated control lines. It also provides basic tools for a preliminary offline data analysis of the beam and experiment conditions during a fill.


As from 2014, in collaboration with the Accelerator Operation Group, the LHC_IF has deployed in ALICE an automatic luminosity levelling routine. It is based on the instantaneous luminosity measurement and provides feedback to LHC on how fast the beams can be moved while approaching the target luminosity. In this way, automatically during STABLE BEAMS, LHC can safely deliver the nominal luminosity to ALICE minimising the setting time.

Project leader: Giacinto De Cataldo
Deputy project leader: Antonio Franco
Technical coordinator: Giacinto De Cataldo

Participating Institutions

  • INFN Bari, Italy: Giacinto De Cataldo, Antonio Franco;
  • CERN, Geneva-CH: Antonello di Mauro, Hartmut Hillemans
  • University of Malta, CIT department: Gianluca Valentino;