Job Announcements


Job Announcements

Type Announcements
Job New Job advertisement for a Senior ASIC Research Engineer at IFAE in Barcelona ( ) expired on - 01-10-2019
Job Postdoctoral Position within the ATLAS Group ( ) expired on - 13-06-2019
Job research associate position ( ) expired on - 13-06-2019
Job Three doctoral researcher positions in experimental heavy ion physics ( ) expired on - 13-06-2019
Job Two postdoctoral positions in experimental heavy ion physics ( ) expired on - 13-06-2019
ALICE Job 'PhD student at Nikhef/Utrecht University (jet physics ( ) expired on - 13-06-2019
Job Postdoctoral research position ( ) expired on - 06-06-2019
ALICE Job Postdoc positions at Wayne State ( ) expired on - 30-04-2019
ALICE Job Postdoc position at the University of Liverpool (UK) ( ) expired on - 25-05-2019
ALICE Job Postdoctoral position in LHCb at Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont (M/F) ( ) expired on - 19-04-2019
ALICE Job Divisional Fellow opening at Nuclear Science Division, LBNL ( ) expired on - 01-06-2019
ALICE Job PhD at Technical University of Munich to work for ALICE ( ) expired on - 19-03-2019
Job New postdoc position in grid computing - ATLAS ( ) expired on - 05-04-2019
Job Technical Coordinator for the CBM Experiment ( ) expired on - 16-03-2019
ALICE Job Associate professor in Experimental High Energy Physics ( ) expired on - 30-04-2019