2-year fellowship position (Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher)

Submitted by cceballo on

Are you finishing a PhD in a HEP phenomenology-related topic (theory or
experiment) in the latter half of 2013?
Would you be interested in a theory fellowship at CERN, with focus on Monte
Carlos for LHC physics?
Then this announcement may be for you!

The MCnet European ITN (http://montecarlonet.org/) and the CERN Theory Group
are looking to fill a 2-year fellowship position (Marie Curie Early Stage
Researcher). The successful candidate will be based in the CERN Theory Group.

The main research focus of the incumbent will be on combinations of multi-leg
and one-loop amplitudes with showers, in the context of the VINCIA and PYTHIA
event generators. The researcher will also have the freedom to pursue other

Appointment will be under CERN Fellow employment contract. In addition to
attractive conditions of employment, the researcher will also have access to a
generous training budget.

The initial deadline for applications is July 5th, 2013. Depending on the
volume of applications received by then, the deadline may be extended. The
position will remain open until filled. The nominal starting date is September
1st 2013; depending on availability, the starting date may be delayed.

Applicants should be coming towards the end of a PhD in experimental or
theoretical particle physics and have experience of developing Monte Carlo
event generators or of closely related fields of research.

IMPORTANT! The following EU rules for eligibility apply, and cannot be
circumvented. Please check that you fulfill these criteria. Feel free to
contact us if you are uncertain whether you do or not. At the time of the job
   - Applicants cannot be a PhD holder and cannot have more than 4 years'
research experience (FTE) after obtaining the university degree that gives
access to a doctoral programme of study.
   - Applicants cannot have been registered at CERN for more than 12 months in
the 36 months up until the offer of the position (application of the European
Commission's Mobility Rule).
   - Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD programme in High Energy Physics and
ideally should have completed the taught phase of the PhD course.

Furthermore, applicants *should* have:
   - A strong background in high energy physics phenomenology (or a
closely-related field). Preference will be given to candidates with experience
among the following topics: event generators, parton showers, resummation,
matrix-element merging and matching, one-loop calculations, automated
calculations, MC validation and tuning, High Performance and HEP computing.
   - A good command of English, both spoken and written.

Inquiries and applications should be sent to: Dr Peter Skands at the
Theoretical Physics Group, CERN, e-mail: peter.skands@cern.ch .

Applications should include:
   - A note on your motivation for applying for the position (0.5 - 1 page
including why you are applying, when you would be able to start and, for
example, some comments on the skills you bring with you, and what you expect to
get out of the fellowship).
   - Full CV including academic degrees, work experience, publication list
(separate into peer-reviewed journal articles and other papers), list of skills
and experience relevant to the project.

Please arrange for three letters of reference from supervisors, employers,
and/or professional collaborators to be sent to Dr Peter Skands before the
closing date, at peter.skands@cern.ch .

The MCnetITN Training Network for Monte Carlo Event Generators for LHC Physics
is an Initial Training Network funded under the European Commission's 7th
Framework Programme. It is coordinated by the University of Manchester. CERN is
a partner.

What We Offer
   - Attractive remuneration under CERN Fellow employment contract for 24
months. In accordance with the European Commission's allowances for ITNs - see
page 69 of the Work Programme - there is an additional training allowance (600
euro per month).