POSTDOCTORAL POSITION (CHERCHEUR JUNIOR) Xénon Group Subatech Laboratory, Nantes (France)

Submitted by cceballo on

The Xénon Group at the Subatech Laboratory invites applications for a Young Researcher (Chercheur
Junior) postdoctoral position in experimental Astroparticle Physics (Cryogenics, Dark Matter,
The successful candidate will join the XENON Collaboration and will work mainly on the XENON1T
experiment. XENON1T is a direct dark matter search experiment presently in construction in the
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, an underground laboratory located in Italy. The candidate will
follow the final phases of its construction, its commissioning and data taking. He/she will be
responsible to follow closely the commissioning of the xenon Storage and Recovery System (ReStoX),
a subsystem used to handle liquid xenon in most of the crucial phases of the experiment
(commissioning of the detector, maintenance, emergency procedures). Extended stays at the
experimental site will be required, especially during the first year of the contract.
The Xénon Group at Subatech is responsible in XENON1T and in its future upgrade (XENONnT) for
the xenon Storage and Recovery System. For the whole Project (including also XENON100 experiment
currently still in data taking) the group participates also in computing, data processing, analysis and
simulation. It is also involved in R&D activities related to liquid xenon (DARWIN, for a nextgeneration
dark matter detector; XEMIS, a xenon-based medical imaging project developed at
Subatech). The candidate could also participate to one of these activities.
Applicants must have a PhD in experimental particle/astroparticle/nuclear physics. Preference will be
given to post-doctoral candidates having experience in low-background experiments with noble gases
and cryogenics. Knowledge of French and Italian is not mandatory but highly desirable.
The position is available from January 2015 and applications will be reviewed until the position is
filled. Interested applicants should submit a Curriculum Vitae, including their research experience and
list of publications to the contact below in electronic form. This is a two-year position with the
possibility of renewal.
Dominique Thers
Group leader Xénon Group
Subatech Laboratory