faculty positions / RICE

Submitted by gpachoud on
Rice has announced an initiative in Data Sciences with a number of a faculty positions at all ranks associated with it. In particular the list of topics of interest includes high-volume and/or high-velocity data intensive science. LHC and RHIC physics data is both high-volume and high velocity and thus people working on experiments at these facilities who are interested in data science are encouraged to apply.
The position announcement is at
https://datascience.rice.edu/faculty-position-announcement <https://datascience.rice.edu/faculty-position-announcement>
More description of the high-volume, high-velocity part of it is
"Researchers in many disciplines today are using petabytes or exabytesof data that may hold the promise of important new discoveries. While these researchers face many of the same issues found in other data-driven efforts, the use of truly-large datasets and datasets that arrive at high-velocity introduces new challenges in terms of both the underlying computer systems, hardware and software, and the analytical techniques applied to the data. These challenges are fundamentally different from those seen at smaller scales. The initiative actively seeks data scientists who will work on problems related to high-velocity, data-intensive science, including but not limited to new hardware and software data-architectures to deal with high-volume,
high-velocity data collection, curation and analysis; highly parallel analytics; and managing and processing distributed or federated data."
Clearly there are many people in the nuclear/particle physics community that are working on such problems and they are encouraged to apply. It may not be clear from the above description but people working on machine learning techniques applied to nuclear/particle physics are definitely part of this