The Physics Data Processing project is charged with providing the common software infrastructure (build, test and deployment tools), software components and frameworks for the calibration, reconstruction, simulation, analysis, and visualization for the ALICE Online/Offline Upgrade (O2). It is also providing an interface to the conditions database and is in charge of overall data management, including the disk storage buffer. It develops and operates the distributed computing infrastructure that combines the computing and storage capacity of the ALICE computing facility at P2 with the WLCG.
The O2-PDP Project is organised in 8 Work Packages
WP03 Common Tools and Infrastructure (Ivana Hrivnakova)
WP04 O2 Software Framework (Giulio Eulisse)
WP09 Event Display (Julian Myrcha)
WP10 Condition and Calibration Data Base (Costin Grigoras)
WP12 Detector Simulation (Roberto Preghenella, Sandro Wenzel)
WP13 Reconstruction and Calibration (Chiara Zampolli, Ruben Shahoyan)
WP14 Analysis Framework and Facilities (Peter Hristov)
WP15 Data Storage (Latchezar Betev)