

ALICE in CERN Courier May/June 2024:

           New subdetectors to extend ALICE's reach

                 Shy charm mesons confound predictionsCERN



  • Next Physics Forum Dates for 2024
    • 19 June (during mini-week)
    • 21 August (during Hard Probes previews)
    • 2 October (extra-ordinary)
    • 6 November (mini-week)
    • 4 December (during physics week)



Papers currently open for comments can be inspected using the link: Paper in Collaboration Review (Open for Comments).


  • Shift booking opportunities:
  • SL blocks (2 blocks): (1) 21-26 May and (2) 26 June to 1 July

    Shifts booking via SAMS.

  • The new shift schedule, with the additional proton-proton shift blocks as well as the shifted heavy-ion period, is open for booking to the whole collaboration.
  • ALICE Run Manager (29 April - 12 May 2024): Daiki Sekihata

  • LHC and P2 news:
    • LHC operations:
      The LHC is regularly providing stable beams with 2352 colliding bunches, for proton-proton physics production. During the past week, the machine efficiency in stable beams was around 65%. Operations were paused for access on Monday morning for machine, detector activities and a VIP visit. On Wednesday the operation was interrupted by a problem with the cryo compressor at p6. The recovery could be done much faster than originally anticipated and physics production could be continued the same day. Next Monday MD 1 is scheduled for 3 days followed by Van Der Meer scans of all experiments.
    • P2 operations:
      ALICE continues to collect data for proton-proton physics production at 500 kHz. On Monday we performed the regular software upgrade and validation, taking advantage of the access. The data-taking efficiency during the last week was above 90%, with all detectors regularly taking part in the physics runs.
      A new record for the data-taking efficiency
      (99.5%) was reached in one fill during the last weekend.


SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES (events within 3 months or deadline within 1 month)


Special announcement and dates of major conferences in 2024
  •  LHCP2024, Boston, USA, 3 - 7June
  • SQM 2024, Strasbourg, France, 3 - 7 June
  • ICHEP 2024, Prague, Czech Republic, 17 - 24 July
  • Hard Probes 2024, Nagasaki, Japan, 22 - 27 September
    • Abstract deadline 25 May 2023 : Central submission EXCEPT for posters: Direct Submission by presenters
    • Early registration deadline: 15 July


Message from Junior representatives (Carolina, Florian, Luca):

  • LHC Job Matching Event (JMEv), 14 May 2024: Organized by the LHC Early Career Scientist Fora (LHC ECSF), the event aims to bring early career researchers and recruiters together to discuss open academic job positions on a LHC experiment. Furthermore, the event will include motivational talks from two academic and one non-academic speakers. The event registration for recruiters is open. For job seekers, the registrations will be opened in mid-April.
    • If you are an early career researcher, looking for a position in HEP at a LHC experiment, you can register from mid-April using the Job Seeker's Registration Form.
    • If you are a senior member of an LHC experiment, offering a position, and looking for candidates, you can register now using the Recruiters' Registration Form.
  • ALICE Run 3 Analysis Resources: this new website which has a collection of all resources and news that can be helpful for people engaged in the analysis of ALICE Run 3 data. This is especially beneficial for those who are new to the Run 3 data analysis.
  • ALICE Theses website
  • Guidelines for ALICE Thesis Video: a ~3 min video summarizing the key results of PhD thesis.


ALICE Visits this week:









Application deadline

10 May Research Physicist The Cold QCD Group in the Physics Department, BNL  
10 May Scientific Research Specialist Florida State University 1 Aug 2024
10 May Marie Curie fellowship in LHCb/CODEX-b Eotvos University 31 Jul 2024
10 May Postdoctoral Research Position Brown University 15 Jun 2024
10 May Postdoctoral position on DUNE (M/F) CNRS LAPP (Laboratoire d’Annecy de Physique des Particules) 7 Jun 2024
10 May Postdoctoral Researcher – Particle Physics / Rare Decay TRIUMF 29 Jul 2024
10 May PhD in Flavour Physics : Study of charmless b-hadron decays with the LHCb spectrometer LPC, Clermont-Ferrand 20 May 2024
10 May Assistant Professor position in bound matter-antimatter systems Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)  
10 May Assistant Professor (only for women) The University of Tokyo 30 Jun 2024
10 May Call for Physics PhD positions University of Padua 13 May 2024
10 May Joint Professorship (hadron physics) The Ruhr-Universität Bochum and GSI 31 May 2024
3 May PhD Project in High-Energy Heavy-ion physics (ALICE Experiment) Niels Bohr Institute
Contact: Prof. You Zhou
15 Jun 2024
3 May Postdoctoral fixed-term researcher position (M/F) in heavy ion physics with the ALICE MFT CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique Clermont Auvergne (France) 17 May 2024
3 May Detector Physicist CERN 12 May 2024
3 May Postdoctoral Fellow UNAM, Mexico 21 Jun 2024
3 May Applied Research Associate for Machine Learning on FPGAs Brookhaven National Laboratory 22 Nov 2024
3 May Postdoc in Department of Belle II experiment INP, Cracow 15 May 2024
3 May Postdoc position on future fast-timing detectors (ATLAS) Nikhef, Amsterdam, Nijmegen U., IMAPP 31 May 2024
3 May Junior Professorship for Experimental Particle Physics University of Freiburg 5 Jun 2024
3 May Postdoctoral Associate Virginia Tech., Blacksburg 1 Jun 2024
26 Apr Staff position in detector physics The Institute for Research on the Fundamental Laws of the Universe (IRFU) at CEA Paris-Saclay 14 Jun 2024
26 Apr EU funded Marie Skłodowska Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowships (CMS) University of Split 30 Jun 2024
26 Apr Postdoctoral Fellowship, ATLAS Experiment University of Alberta 30 Jun 2024
26 Apr Postdoc: CMS High Granularity Calorimeter Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 14 Jun 2024
26 Apr AI Postdoctoral Position in HEP Puerto Rico Univerrsity 17 June 2024
26 Apr Postdoc Ben Gurion U. of Negev 10 May 2024
26 Apr Postdoctoral position in theoretical high-energy nuclear physics Sophia University, Japan 31 May 2024
26 Apr Postdoc Fast Timing Tracking Systems Nikhef 15 May 2024
26 Apr Research Associate/Senior Research Associate in Fast Machine Learning R&D University of Bristol 16 May 2024
26 Apr Postdoctoral Associate MIT Laboratory of Nuclear Science 1 Jun 2024
19 Apr ALICE Postdoctoral position Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Contact: Marcelo Munhoz
31 May 2024
19 Apr Lead Software Engineer - Machine Learning CERN 15 May 2024
19 Apr Quantum Computing Engineer CERN 19 May 2024
19 Apr Scientific Software Engineer - Data Analysis CERN 22 May 2024
12 Apr Postdoctoral Research Associate on Neutrino Software & Computing and Physics Brookhaven National Lab. 7 Jan 2025
12 Apr Ph.D. position on 3D silicon detector development University of Trento 20 May 2024
12 Apr Postdoc Position in High Energy Physics (CMS) The São Paulo Research and Analysis Center (SPRACE) 15 May 2024
5 Apr Postdoctoral position on the ATLAS experiment CEA Paris-Saclay 30 Jun 2024
5 Apr PhD Positions in Direct Dark Matter Searches University of Zurich 31 May 2024
5 Apr Postdoctoral Associate (CLAS12 experiment ) MIT 1 Jun 2024
5 Apr MSc/PhD Positions in Experimental Particle/Nuclear Physics University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada 31 May 2024
5 Apr Postdoctoral Position – CMS São Paulo, Brazil 15 May 2024
5 Apr PhD position: "Design of a monolithic silicon pixel detector with adaptive rate for particle physics" CEA, irfu 31 May 2024
5 Apr Postdoctoral position at the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics (ATLAS) Charles University, Prague 14 Jun 2024
29 Mar Research Associate (Nuclear Theory) BNL 31 May 2024
22 Mar Postdoctoral Research Associate (Stationed at Jefferson Lab) Mississippi State University 31 May 2024
15 Mar Permanent academic position in accelerator physics and/or medical physics involving accelerators Royal Holloway, University of London 3 Jun 2024
15 Mar Postdoctoral Positions in Muon Imaging / Muography experiments Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai 31 May 2024
1 Mar Theoretical Physicist (TH-SP-2024-5IC) CERN 31 May 2024
1 Mar Assistant Physicist in Experimental Nuclear/Hadronic Physics Argonne National Laboratory 17 May 2024
1 Mar Postdoctoral Research Associate position in Experimental Heavy-Ion Physics Warsaw University of Technology 17 May 2024
23 Feb Postdoctoral Research Associate Florida State University 30 Jun 2024
16 Feb Research Physicist Brookhaven National Laboratory 31 May 2024
16 Feb Postdoctoral Research Associate Brookhaven National Laboratory 31 May 2024
2 Feb PhD Research Fellow in Experimental Heavy-Ion Physics (ALICE) Oslo University 30 Jun 2024
19 Jan Postdoc Position in Experimental Particle Physics The Institute of Modern Physics(IMP), Lanzhou 31 Aug 2024
19 Jan Graduate Student Positions in Experimental Nuclear/Particle Physics: GlueX/JEF Experiments University of Regina 31 May 2024


Please refer to the Job Announcements link for details.




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