
Junior faculty job for MIT

Submitted by cceballo on

The research groups in the Nuclear and Particle Division and Laboratory for Nuclear Science ( have a wide range of interests, including strong interaction physics, electroweak symmetry breaking, dark matter searches, neutrino physics, physics beyond the standard model and accelerator physics. This faculty search is broad in scope and applicants with research interests in these and other areas of experimental nuclear and particle physics are strongly encouraged to apply.

Candidates for tenure and tenure-track positions to the Assistant/Associate professor at Purdue University

Submitted by cceballo on

Purdue University has identified Big Data as a major thrust for inter-disciplinary research and education. The Physics department will consider outstanding candidates with an interest in all data-related areas of physics with equal priority given to all areas. Examples of specific fields of interest in existing research groups are astrophysics, biophysics, nuclear physics and particle physics.

2 lecturers at The Physics Department within the Faculty of Science at the University of Cape Town

Submitted by cceballo on

The Physics Department within the Faculty of Science at the University of Cape Town seeks to fill two permanent academic positions at the lectureship level to strengthen its present research themes in High Energy Physics, and Experimental Nuclear Physics.   iThemba LABS national laboratory is located close to the university, and UCT is presently growing its high performance computing facilities.


permanent position in experimental particle/HI physics at the Niels Bohr Institute

Submitted by cceballo on

A permanent position at the associate professor level ( lecturer) in experimental particle physics/relativistic heavy ion physics is available at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. 

Details on the position and the application procedure may be found at:

The deadline for applications is 31 August 31, 2014

2 PhD students job offers

Submitted by cceballo on

Dear all,

please find in the attachment an announcement for 2 PhD students job offers at the Humboldt-University of Berlin and at the Technical University of Dresden in Germany starting at the 1st of November 2014.

All information is given at our web page . The application dead line is the 31st of August 2014.

Many thanks in advance and best regards, Martin zur Nedden


candidates for postdoc in the in the department of High Energy - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Submitted by cceballo on

The Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico is calling for candidates for postdoc in the department of High Energy.

The candidate may have abilities in detector building or in data analysis. The candidate would participate in the program of the laboratory of detectors in the ALICE collaboration.

The candidates should not be older than 35 years and not more than 3 years after obtaining the PhD.