
ATLAS and CMS announce the fifth joint workshop on electronics for the High Luminosity LHC (ACES 2016)

Submitted by adeidda on
ATLAS and CMS announce the fifth joint workshop on electronics for the High Luminosity LHC (ACES 2016)
This workshop will be dedicated to electronic issues for upgrades, focusing on subjects where common features or developments are likely. 
Developments for upgrades for proton-proton and heavy ion running for Phase I and for high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will be included. The following main areas will be covered:
(1) Front-end electronics developments for Phase I and HL-LHC

3rd International Sumemr School _ INtelligent Signal Processing for FrontIEr Research and Industry

Submitted by cceballo on

September 2015 in Hamburg

The 3rd International Summer School on INtelligent Signal Processing for FrontIEr Research and Industry

Astrophysics, Medical Physics, Particle Physics, Technological Challenges for confronting the Physics Challenges,
Exploiting Synergies, Cross Disciplinary.

GridKa School on advanced computing

Submitted by cceballo on

Dear Colleagues, we would like to announce the dates for this year's international GridKa School on advanced computing. The school will take place from 7. to 11. September 2015 at KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany. The school's location will be this year at the KIT Campus South in the heart of Karlsruhe city. This year's plenary sessions and on-hands tutorials will again cover a broad range of interesting topics.


Submitted by cceballo on

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to bring to your attention TRISEP-2015, a summer school in particle physics that we are organizing here at the Perimeter Institute this July 6-17, 2015.

The school is aimed at graduate students in particle physics and will feature talks relevant to both experiment and theory in each topic. We have a terrific set of lecturers lined-up and the list of topics and confirmed speakers can be found on the website,

CERN School of Computing, iCSC2015, "Where students turn into teachers" at CERN on February 23-24, 2015

Submitted by cceballo on

Dear all,

The inverted CERN School of Computing, iCSC2015, "Where students turn into teachers" will take place at CERN on February 23-24, 2015 (

Attendance is free and open to anyone. Registration is not mandatory, but will allow you to secure a copy of the full booklet and it will also help us in organizing the logistics of the event.

7th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP-2015) 2-6 February 2015 Kolkata, India

Submitted by cceballo on

First Announcement

Dear Colleagues,


We are pleased to inform you that the 7th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP-2015) will be held in Kolkata, India during 2-6 February, 2015. The scientific program of the Conference will consist of plenary and parallel talks as well as posters. A student program will be organized.

Important Deadlines:: 

TIPP 2014 second bulletin

Submitted by cceballo on

Dear Sir/Madam,

The TIPP 2014 conference will be held in Amsterdam from June 2nd to June 6th. Please note registration is still open and be aware that it is becoming more difficult to book a reasonably priced hotel room as we approach the start of the conference.

The program information can be found  in the 2nd bulletin that is now available ( If you have already registered you can find more practical information on the website.

Best regards,

Niels van Bakel