Job Announcements


Job Announcements

Type Announcements
Job A postdoc position at LBNL ( ) expired on - 31-10-2017
Job A software engineer ( ) expired on - 25-08-2017
Job Postdoctoral Research Associate - University of Colorado ( ) expired on - 31-08-2017
ALICE Job UK Rutherford International Fellowship Programme ( ) expired on - 29-09-2017
Job Research Associate - Atlas 2 positions ( ) expired on - 07-09-2017
Job Software Developer for Advanced Networking Projects ( ) expired on - 26-12-2017
ALICE Job New position for performance engineering in HPC ( ) expired on - 07-08-2017
Job Postdoc position at the Institute for Particle Physics, ETH Zurich ( ) expired on - 19-07-2017
Job ATLAS - Postdoctoral position ( ) expired on - 15-10-2017
Job PhD positions at University of Trieste ( ) expired on - 19-06-2017
Job PhD opportunity in data-intensive science ( ) expired on - 30-06-2017
ALICE Job Post-doctoral Researcher in Heavy Ion Physics Experiment (ALICE) ( ) expired on - 30-06-2017
Job ATLAS PhD position at University of Wuppertal ( ) expired on - 01-06-2017
Job an Electronic Engineer at UCI ( ) expired on - 31-12-2017
Job Chair position in hep-ex at Vilnius University, LT ( ) expired on - 10-09-2017