Job Announcements


Job Announcements

Type Announcements
Job Postdoctoral Research Associates on the CMS experiment at CERN University of Florida ( ) expired on - 11-06-2023
ALICE Job PhD position in the ALICE group at the Czech Technical University in Prague ( ) expired on - 15-05-2023
Job Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science ( ) expired on - 20-06-2023
Job Research Assistant/Associate positions at UCAS ( ) expired on - 21-05-2023
ALICE Job Assistant Professor in High Energy Nuclear Physics University of Birmingham ( ) expired on - 12-05-2023
Job Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant (ATER) at University Grenoble Alpes ( ) expired on - 24-04-2023
ALICE Job Post-Doctoral position in ALICE group at SUBATECH Nantes ( ) expired on - 12-04-2023
ALICE Job Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at the University of Cape Town ( ) expired on - 21-04-2023
Job Postdoctoral position on sPHENIX/EIC in Saclay, France ( ) expired on - 31-05-2023
Job Tenured Faculty position in Experimental High Energy Physics, UERJ Brazil ( ) expired on - 21-04-2023
Job Postdoctoral Researcher - Machine Learning in Nuclear Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory ( ) expired on - 30-04-2023
Job Tenure Track Position in DUNE at LAPP (Annecy) ( ) expired on - 14-04-2023
ALICE Job Advertisement for Detector Physicist Position at STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK ( ) expired on - 26-03-2023
Job Detector Physicist (permanent staff) ( ) expired on - 26-03-2023
Job Assistant professor at University of Groningen (NL) ( ) expired on - 16-04-2023