Job Announcements


Job Announcements

Type Announcements
ALICE Job PhD position opening for instrumentation in ALICE at the University of Oslo ( ) expired on - 28-02-2023
Job Research Associate position on T2K at the University of Glasgow ( ) expired on - 27-02-2023
Job Postdoctoral Research Associate on silicon detector development at University of Edinburgh ( ) expired on - 24-02-2023
Job Researcher position for Belle II for physics analyses related to dark matter ( ) expired on - 10-03-2023
Job Pre-Faculty Fellowship at Wayne State University ( ) expired on - 01-03-2023
Job Tenure-track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics - Niels Bohr Institute ( ) expired on - 05-03-2023
Job Postdoctoral position in experimental High Energy Heavy-ion Physics ( ) expired on - 31-03-2023
Job Postdoctoral Fellow for ASIC design - The Paul Scherrer Institute ( ) expired on - 12-02-2023
Job Postdoc position on ATLAS and detector R&D for non-LHC experiments at Mainz Universit ( ) expired on - 24-02-2023
ALICE Job 5 PhD student positions in detector R&D for future fast-timing detectors ( ) expired on - 16-01-2023
Job Research Associate (PhD student) ( ) expired on - 10-01-2023
Job Postdoctoral Research Assistant in ATLAS ITK Pixel Detector ( ) expired on - 09-01-2023
Job Software Developer of Next Generation Simulation Toolkit for High Energy Physics experiments ( ) expired on - 23-01-2023
Job Postdoctoral Research Assistant for Mu3e Pixel System Construction ( ) expired on - 09-01-2023
Job Mechanical Technician at the Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics ( ) expired on - 16-12-2022