
Advertisement of post-doc position at UNICAMP

Submitted by jcachet on
Post-doc in Heavy-Ion Collision physics

The High Energy Nuclear Physics group at University of Campinas (UNICAMP) is seeking to hire two Postdoctoral researchers to work in Heavy-Ion physics, preferably one with focus on experimental data analysis with the ALICE collaboration, and one with focus on phenomenological aspects in particular with hydrodynamical simulations of Heavy Ion Collisions.

New postdoc position at UH

Submitted by jcachet on
The experimental Relativistic Heavy-Ion Group at the University of Houston invites applications for a postdoctoral position. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in high energy particle or nuclear physics and have a strong background in data analysis, and an expertise in software design and implementation. The Houston group (Professors: R. Bellwied, A. Timmins, L. Pinsky) are members of the experimental collaborations at RHIC and the LHC. It has a wide variety of physics interests, and is engaged in a number of hardware development projects.

New faculty position at the Department of Physics at Lehigh University

Submitted by jcachet on
New faculty position at:

The Department of Physics at Lehigh University invites applications
for a faculty position in High Energy or Nuclear Physics, broadly
defined (including quantum field theory, high energy theory, string
theory, theoretical cosmology, experimental medium or high-energy

Post-doctoral researcher in Data Science and Experimental Particle Physics

Submitted by ncatin on
LIP (Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas) invites applications for a post-doctoral researcher in Data Science and Experimental Particle Physics.
The successful candidate will join the LIP Competence Center in Simulation and Big Data, contributing to expand the inhouse know-how in advanced data analysis techniques. He/she is expected to contribute to the development of one or more of the following research lines:

Postdoc position on Heavy Flavour at Padova University

Submitted by gpachoud on
A call for a two-year postdoc position in the ALICE group at Padova University and INFN will be opened at the end of August on the university web site with an application deadline in September.

The selected young scientist will participate in the heavy-flavour  measurements with Run-2 data and in the preparation of the software tools for Run-3 analysis. 

Interested candidates are welcome to contact:
Andrea Dainese

Ph.D. positions at the University of Bari, Italy

Submitted by gpachoud on
The annual call for Ph.D. fellowships at the University of Bari (XXXIV cycle of the Ph.D. school in physics) is open till September the 4th . Two fellowships are reserved to foreign citizens (not resident in Italy at the moment of the application). A master degree in physics is required for the participation to the selection and a proposal of the research activity has to be presented along with two letters of recommendations.