Job Announcements


Job Announcements

Type Announcements
Job Project Scientist position ( ) expired on - 30-09-2021
Job open post-doctoral research positions ( ) expired on - 30-09-2021
Job Postdoctoral Research Associate position - Warsaw University of Technology ( ) expired on - 31-08-2021
ALICE Job Postdoctoral research position ( ) expired on - 30-09-2021
Job Postdoctoral positio - Pisa University ( ) expired on - 31-10-2021
ALICE Job PhD student position - Lund University ( ) expired on - 30-09-2021
ALICE Job Experimental High Energy/Nuclear Physicist –R&D Staff ( ) expired on - 30-10-2021
ALICE Job Postdoctoral fellowships - The Muon Radiography team of the center for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) of the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium ( ) expired on - 12-10-2021
ALICE Job Postdoctoral position in heavy-ion collisions with ALICE at the CERN-LHC ( ) expired on - 25-06-2021
Job Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the John Adams Institute: AWAKE project ( ) expired on - 12-07-2021
Job Postdoctoral Research Associate position in the HADES group ( ) expired on - 31-08-2021
ALICE Job Opening of a post-doc position in the ALICE group @IP2I (Lyon, France) ( ) expired on - 20-08-2021
ALICE Job Project scientist position on "ErUm-FSP-office" in Germany ( ) expired on - 30-06-2021
Job Postdoc position at Georg-August-University Gottingen in ATLAS experiment ( ) expired on - 25-06-2021
ALICE Job Postdoctoral position at ICN-UNAM (Mexico) ( ) expired on - 01-09-2021