Job Announcements


Job Announcements

Type Announcements
ALICE Job Post-doc position at UNICAMP ( ) expired on - 26-04-2021
Job Detector physicist position at PRISMA Detector Lab in Mainz ( ) expired on - 30-04-2021
ALICE Job Postdoctoral researcher position in ALICE Saclay ( ) expired on - 20-04-2021
ALICE Job Two ALICE postdoc positions at the University of Bergen ( ) expired on - 05-04-2021
Job Job openings for experts in the NICA project ( ) expired on - 24-08-2021
Job sPHENIX postdoc job opening at LANL ( ) expired on - 30-09-2021
Job Early Stage Researcher contract at INFN-Pisa leading to a PhD degree at the University of Pisa ( ) expired on - 15-04-2021
Job Assistant Project Scientist with the California EIC Consortium ( ) expired on - 30-05-2021
Job [Sphenix-jobs-l] BNL sPHENIX postdoc position ( ) expired on - 30-11-2021
Job Post-doc position at Warsaw University of Technology ( ) expired on - 30-04-2021
Job Post-doc position at Warsaw University of Technology ( ) expired on - 30-04-2021
ALICE Job MCnet short-term studentship opportunities ( ) expired on - 31-03-2021
ALICE Job POLONEZ BIS funding scheme programme of the Polish National Science Centre (NCN). ( ) expired on - 01-12-2022
Job Los Alamos postdoc in LHCb ( ) expired on - 25-03-2021
Job Postdoctoral Research Associate in Experimental Nuclear, Particle, and Hadronic Physics ( ) expired on - 09-04-2021