Job Announcements


Job Announcements

Type Announcements
Job Post Doctoral position in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Physics ( ) expired on - 21-05-2021
ALICE Job ALICE Junior postdoctoral research position at LPC Clermont-Ferrand ( ) expired on - 30-11-2021
Job Postdoctoral Research Assistant AIDAInnova ( ) expired on - 16-07-2021
ALICE Job PhD positions at University of Trieste ( ) expired on - 30-11-2021
ALICE Job Postdoctoral Fellow at Berkeley Lab ( ) expired on - 30-06-2021
Job Postdoc position opening on the STAR and/or CEE experiments at Institute of Modern Physics ( ) expired on - 01-05-2022
ALICE Job Postdoc position for work at the ALICE Experiment - Univ. of Kansas ( ) expired on - 25-05-2021
ALICE Job Postdoc Position - Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna ( ) expired on - 01-07-2021
Job PhD positions in the CMS group of ETH Zürich with detector R&D activities ( ) expired on - 18-06-2021
Job Postdoctoral Position in the CMS group of ETH Zürich ( ) expired on - 18-06-2021
ALICE Job PHD student calls at IFJ PAN, Cracow ( ) expired on - 07-06-2021
ALICE Job Postdoc position - Lund University ( ) expired on - 15-06-2021
ALICE Job Postdoctoral Research Associate in ALICE Forward Calorimeter (FoCal) upgrade ( ) expired on - 15-05-2021
Job Applied Physicist/Software Engineer on the central DAQ system at CMS ( ) expired on - 31-05-2021
ALICE Job Postdoctoral Research Associates in Experimental Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics ( ) expired on - 15-05-2021